Myelin Insulation and Risk of Neuron Degeneration in Autoimmune Environments

Post by Meredith McCarty

The takeaway

In the progression of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, the degeneration of axons in the central nervous system leads to irreversible damage. Myelin sheaths encapsulating axons increase the risk of axonal degeneration in an autoimmune environment.

What's the science?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder that affects the central nervous system and is characterized by axonal degeneration. Myelination, or the process by which oligodendrocytes encapsulate a neuron’s axons with an insulating sheath of myelin, is largely considered to serve an insulating and predominantly protective role for axons. Based on this assumption, demyelination, or the destruction of the myelin sheath, has been proposed as a likely cause of the axonal degeneration seen in autoimmune disorders. However, recent evidence that axonal damage actually occurs before the onset of demyelination suggests a more complex role for myelination in autoimmune disorders. This week in Nature Neuroscience, Schäffner, and colleagues utilize MS human biopsies and mouse models of demyelinating disease to investigate the role of demyelination and oligodendrocyte function in axonal degeneration.

How did they do it?

The authors first measured the relationship between axonal damage and demyelination in human MS. They performed electron microscopy on 4 MS biopsies in order to quantify the degree of demyelination of axons surrounding the lesions. They compared how the degree of demyelination correlated with the abundance of lesions and accumulation of organelles and condensed axoplasm, as measures of irreversible axonal damage.

In order to study the relationship between myelination, oligodendrocyte function, and acute inflammatory environments, the authors utilized several experimental mouse models and induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) to study axon survival.  First, to understand the temporal dynamics of axon degeneration, they induced EAE in mice via immunization. They quantified the proportion of myelinated and demyelinated damaged axons and characterized changes in myelin structure using electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. To understand changes in gene regulation in EAE, the authors analyzed RNA sequencing datasets.

Next, in order to test whether demyelination could actually improve axon outcome, the authors used a cuprizone mouse model where axon demyelination occurs at an increased rate over time and measured changes in axon organelle accumulation. Lastly, in order to directly test whether the degree of myelination correlates with axonal damage, the authors used a mouse model with decreased expression of myelin basic protein (MBP). These hMbp mice exhibit an increased proportion of unmyelinated axons. They compared the disease progression and degree of axonal damage in hMbp mice relative to controls in an induced EAE environment.

What did they find?

The authors found that in both human and mouse models, irreversible axonal damage was restricted to myelinated axons. These damaged axons displayed increased organelle accumulation and highly condensed axoplasm, which are early biomarkers of axonal degeneration. The physical characteristics of myelin in damaged axons were found to be reflective of the dysfunctional movement of cellular materials to the axon by oligodendrocytes. They found evidence for the downregulation of RNA sequences essential for many cellular processes in EAE. In the cuprizone mouse model of axon demyelination, the authors found a decline in organelle accumulation in demyelinating axons, which suggests that demyelination can improve axonal survival.

When directly comparing axonal damage in hMbp mice in an EAE environment, the authors found significantly less axonal damage, fewer axons with organelle accumulation and condensed axoplasm, and overall better disease outcome relative to the control group. After ruling out differences in immunological response across these experimental groups, they found that axonal damage was limited to myelinated axons, even in a mouse model with an artificially increased proportion of demyelinated axons. Based on these data, the authors hypothesize that the progression to irreversible axonal degeneration is likely due to the accumulation of organelles and condensed cytoplasm, a process that would be prevented with efficient demyelination of the axon. They propose that oligodendrocyte dysfunction and the failure of efficient demyelination leads to this irreversible axonal damage.

What's the impact?

This study untangled the contradictory role of axonal myelination in the axonal damage characteristic of autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Through untangling the molecular mechanisms involved in this axonal degeneration, this study puts forth novel theories as to the crucial role of oligodendrocytes and efficient demyelination of axons in an acute inflammatory environment. Future work building off of these findings has enormous implications for identifying new targets for therapeutic intervention to prevent axonal damage early in disease progression.

A New Bird Model for Studying Vocal Production

Post by Rebecca Hill

The takeaway

There has been little focus on female birdsong until recently, leaving many questions unanswered about how the female brain is involved in singing. Male and female red-cheeked cordon bleus that sing at the same rate have similar hormone and brain composition.

What's the science?

Bird song learning can be used as a model for human vocal learning, but up until recently the field has focused on studying species where only male birds sing. Studying bird species where females sing will give us a more complete understanding of how hormones and the brain control vocal production. This week in Journal of Comparative Physiology, Rose and colleagues studied the red-cheeked cordon bleu, a bird species in which both males and females sing, by recording their song behavior, measuring their hormone levels, and analyzing the brain regions involved with vocal production.

How did they do it?

The authors first studied the song behavior of 20 birds (10 males and 10 females) by putting them in sound recording chambers, which cut down on background noise. They recorded each bird for one hour, eight times over a month, and found the recording with the most songs sung. They recorded the birds’ song rate by dividing 20 by the number of minutes birds took to sing 20 songs. They also counted the number of songs the birds sang in the first 30 minutes of singing on the day of tissue collection.

The authors also studied the hormones and brain regions involved in singing by collecting blood and brain tissue. They studied the sex hormones testosterone and progesterone, which are known to be involved in singing rate, by measuring the concentration of them in the blood. They studied three brain regions: 1) Area X of the striatum, which is involved in song learning, 2) RA (the robust nucleus of the arcopallium), which is involved with song production, and 3) HVC (the acronym is the proper name), which connects to both learning and song production pathway and is the central vocal production area in the brain. They measured the volume of these brain regions and the ZENK protein expression, which shows the level of activity in the brain in certain areas.

What did they find?

Male and female birds both sang at high song rates, and their songs were similar in total length and structure. Both testosterone and progesterone hormone blood levels were similar between males and females. This suggests both sexes have similar hormonal mechanisms that drive song behavior. Area X and HVC were larger in males than females, but RA volume was similar between the two sexes. This suggests that song production pathways are similar, but song learning pathways are different between the sexes. Birds that sang had more ZENK expression than birds that were not singing in both sexes, which suggests that there were similar levels of brain activity involved with producing singing.

What's the impact?

This study found that red-cheeked cordon bleus have very few behavioral, hormonal, and brain sex differences compared to other species often studied in the lab. This means they could be a good model species to study mechanisms controlling vocal behavior as a model for human vocal production. Understanding how the brain is involved with speech can help us to diagnose and treat speech and communication disorders.

Access the original scientific publication here

The Role of MicroRNAs in Stress and Psychiatric Disorders

Post by Laura Maile

Why study stress?

We all experience stress at some point in our lives. Stress induces a normal physiological response in the body and brain important for adaptation and continued survival. Ongoing or major stressful events, however, are a significant risk factor for the development of psychiatric disorders such as major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder. There is also evidence that individual responses to stress can be influenced by our environment, previous life experience, and individual genetic differences. The mechanisms involved in individual differences in response to stress are not fully understood, though recent findings indicate that epigenetics may play a role.  

What is epigenetics?

Epigenetics is the process of altering the expression of genes without changing the genetic code itself. In order for genes to be expressed, the transcriptional machinery must be able to access the DNA, which is folded around histones and other proteins, making up chromatin. The remodeling of chromatin allows access to the DNA to allow transcription (i.e., gene expression) to occur. Epigenetic changes, such as histone modifications, DNA methylation, and posttranscriptional regulation by microRNAs, are a part of this dynamic process that control which genes are expressed. If you think of your genome like a library, the DNA sequence is the collection of books, while epigenetics is the unique system that decides which books are open for reading (gene expression) and which are kept closed (gene suppression).

How do microRNAs work?

MicroRNA is a type of non-coding RNA that can affect the expression of DNA by binding with an mRNA with a matching sequence, preventing that mRNA from being translated into protein and thus reducing protein expression. In our library analogy, microRNA is like the librarian who puts certain books on display and hides others in the back, controlling which books (genes) get read. It is estimated that over 60% of human protein-encoding genes are targeted by microRNA, with each microRNA targeting potentially hundreds of mRNA sequences. When microRNA targets and silences a target mRNA, it does so only for a small proportion, giving it the ability to fine-tune gene expression and regulate the body’s responses to environmental changes, including those that induce stress. This means microRNA plays a dynamic role in epigenetics as we encounter and respond to the environment and events around us.   

How does microRNA impact stress response?

Changes in expression levels of microRNAs have been reported both in animal models of chronic stress and in post-mortem brains of patients with psychiatric disorders. These changes have been identified in brain areas known to be involved in the response to stress. Animal models of chronic stress are often used as a model of depression, mimicking both behavioral changes and cellular and molecular changes associated with major depressive disorder. Rodent models of chronic stress can lead to decreased expression of microRNAs like miR-9, while ketamine, a drug used in the treatment of major depression, can both alleviate the depressive behavior and return the altered microRNA levels back to normal. Additionally, clinical studies have shown either increases or decreases in the levels of different microRNAs in the CSF and blood serum of patients with major depressive disorder. Other studies that work to control the activity of specific microRNAs indicate that silencing these microRNAs in stress-related brain structures can rescue depressive-like behaviors in rodents.  

There are also specific types of microRNAs involved in stress. The miR-34 family, a group of microRNAs, has been shown to be related to chronic stress and the stress response in rodents. The involvement of miR-34 was also linked to the trans-generational effects of stress, where exposure to stress in a female rat could impact the anxiety-like behavior in her offspring. Further, miR-124 — another microRNA whose expression has been linked to the effects of several models of chronic stress and early life stress — can impact both the expression of receptors in the brain related to the stress response and depressive-like behaviors that result from stress.  

Controlling the expression of microRNAs can impact not only behavior but cellular and structural changes in the brain induced by rodent models of depression. MicroRNAs have been shown to play a role in influencing structural changes associated with psychiatric disorders, like changes in gray matter density, the number of dendritic spines, and synaptic changes between neurons.  

MicroRNAs not only affect protein expression and function within cells but they can also be incorporated into exosomes that migrate into the extracellular space. Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that play a role in communication between cells and are contained in almost all bodily fluids, making them a useful diagnostic target. Evidence shows a link between microRNA expression in exosomes and chronic stress and major depressive disorder.  Exosomes also have potential as a therapeutic tool for drug delivery since they can cross the blood-brain barrier. 

What does the future look like?

Research has revealed a strong link between microRNAs and their epigenetic modifications and psychiatric disorders. Despite this link, evidence is often contradictory, indicating the need for continued research in this complex field. MicroRNAs have the potential to serve as biomarkers in the diagnosis of disease and help in the measurement of drug efficacy in the treatment of those diseases. Tools have recently been developed to leverage the detection of microRNAs in tissues to aid in the diagnosis of cancer. There is potential for this type of tool to be used in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric diseases as well, though none have been developed yet. Continued research is necessary to advance the use of microRNAs as effective diagnostic and therapeutic tools.  

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